
Volunteers Week 2023

31st May 2023

“I volunteer on the phonelines for S6 Foodbank, which involves working from home and taking calls from our foodbank guests who are in need of a referral that week. We have a great team and we make sure we keep in touch during the 3 hour sessions and also in a zoom debrief at the end, so we always feel supported. And we do manage to meet up face to face when we can.

Volunteering with the foodbank, as well as feeling I am doing something positive, has also taught me so much and has developed my listening skills. We have the most wonderful conversations with so many people across the city. I have learned from those conversations and from the training we are given regularly and from the wisdom of my fellow volunteers and their lifetime experiences and past work professions.

I don’t do this because it’s a ‘duty’ but because I love the work and all the people I interact with, both those in need and our own volunteers.”

Adele, S6 Phoneline Volunteer


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